Habitats & Creatures

Habitats & Creatures

Go ahead and dare to walk on the wild side- it’s a jungle experience you’ll never forget.


Bird Watching Tours and Birds of Belize Guide.

Birding has steadily become one of Belize’s top must-do activities; the country boasts over 590 bird species, making it a haven for Birders seeking to spot indigenous birds such as the Keel-billed Toucan and even endangered ones such as the Scarlet Macaws. 

The Chaa Creek Reserve invites you to explore its 500 acres with starting with our early morning bird-watching tour led by one of our professional licensed naturalist guides. An afternoon ATV Safari or Guided Hike will offer you a wealth of knowledge and experience as you navigate our jungle byways with a true connoisseur of these feathered beauties, their habitats and clever nesting choices.

In April, May, June, July, and August, avian activity heats up as an abundance of raucous birds compete for space with the new blooms of spring to begin the fascinating task of building their nests and then releasing their novice fledglings within the reserve.

The autumn months of October, November, and early December herald the return of our migratory bird visitors who, like our tourism guests, choose Belize’s warm tropical climate, fresh fruits, and extended day hours over the frigid confines of their northerly habitat.

During the tour, you may expect to encounter the following Birds of Belize:

– Keel-billed Toucan 
Belize’s National Bird is a large bird with black plumage, a bright yellow throat and cheeks, vibrant red feathers under its tails, and a yellow-green face. Its signature feature is its large beak, measuring 20 cm; it appears to be heavy, but it is light and hollow, made of the protein keratin with thin rods of bone for support. 

– Lesson’s motmots 
They are colourful near-passerine birds found in the jungles of Belize, southern Mexico, and Western Panama. Its name originates from the turquoise colour of its brow. They also have an extraordinary racketed tail that functions differently depending on the bird’s sex. 

– Rufous-tailed Hummingbird 
It is a splendid sight! These handsome, medium-sized hummingbirds are found in human tropical lowlands and favour forest edges and gardens. Male Rufous-tailed hummingbirds are more magnificently plumed than female ones. Immature Rufous-tailed Hummingbirds are darker and greyish towards the belly. 

– Pale-billed Woodpecker 
It is usually seen before heard! This species is Belize’s largest woodpecker and has a full redhead. Its preferred habitat is mature, lowland forests, and it prefers areas with large trees and abundant deadwood. 

– Gartered Trogon
It is a relatively small bird with a yellow belly that dwells in the tropical lowland forest, particularly in humid areas. The male has a yellow eye ring, while the female has a broken white eye ring. Both sexes have narrow backs and white barring on the underside of the tail. 

Other Species of Birds include Bat Falcon, Crimson Collared Tanager, Laughing Falcon, Red-Lored Parrots, Kingfishers, and Pygmy Owl. 

Tour Details:
Your bird-watching adventure begins at 7 am. 

You will meet your guide at the bar in the main lodge and embark on a 1—to 1.5-hour walk along the Hiking Trail, exploring subtropical habitats.

The level of physical activity is average to good, depending on the topography, so appropriate clothing and footwear are recommended. Rest assured, our guides are trained in first aid, and we have safety measures in place. 

You may also need to bring a hat, sunscreen, water, insect repellent, camera.

Creatures of the Night Tour

Explore the undiscovered side of the rainforest when you join our Creatures of the Night Tour led by our expert Naturalist Guides. The 500-acre Chaa Creek nature reserve is a haven for wildlife. It is populated by Ocelots, Tranatulas, Potoos, Jaguarundis, Owls, Tree Frogs, and many other rainforest residents. 

The light from your headlamp might capture an unsuspecting resident, while a special ultraviolet light reveals phosphorescent insects hard at work! At the same time, nature’s orchestra performs a live concert that promises to heighten your senses. When the lights go off, the night comes to life. 

Tour Details 

Nightly at 8:00 pm from the bar 

1 ½ to 2 hours 

Easy-must be able to walk hilly terrain 

Sub-tropical rainforest 

Long pants and sturdy protective footwear – sleeve lengths are optional. 

What To bring Along : 
Hat, Water, insect repellent, camera and raingear if needed. 

US $25 per person + tax 


Canoeing in Belize

Explore the mesmerizing Macal River, one of Belize’s freshwater sources, as it flows from the heart of the Maya Mountains on its endless journey to the Caribbean Sea. Its banks are home to numerous species of tropical birds and giant Green Iguanas that you can spot if you head down or upstream. Paddle and discover on your own, or relax and enjoy the wonders of nature with a licensed naturalist guide leading the way. 

Our concierge and reservations team will advise you on what to bring, the best times to leave, and the most captivating sights. Rest assured, we have stringent safety measures in place to ensure your river tour is not only enjoyable but also safe.

Tour Details: 

Weather Conditions: 
Under normal conditions mostly flat water with some short class 1 rapids – water and rapid conditions will vary with seasonal rains. 

Daily at 9:00 am and 1:00 pm

Approximately 6 miles 

 2 to 3 hours 



Sub-tropical riparian broadleaf forests with limestone karst geologic formations.

Shorts, swim wear, water sandals

Vest type life preservers and paddles. 

What to Bring Along:
Hat, sunscreen, water, insect repellent and camera